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We are a growing body of Christ-followers committed to building the kingdom of God and we welcome you – just as you are. We recognize we are all here by grace and believe spiritual growth takes place best within a community of love centered on Christ. Together, we strive to be the people God is calling us to be.

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Series: The Names of God

Join us for worship wherever you are! The church isn't a place, it's a people - so, no matter where you are, we are still family. We have resources to help you stay connected and engaged, so check it out!

Let's join together for a special season of prayer and fasting in preparation for the upcoming General Conference of the Global Methodist Church.

Begins September 5   |   6:15 PM   |   Killearn Annex A

Alpha is a series of conversations about things we all question in life: Why do bad things happen to good people? What's the purpose of life? What's next?

If you're looking for a judgment-free space to ask hard questions and share your own opinion, there's a place for you.