The Church isn't a place,
it's a people.

It is both a great privilege and a great responsibility to be a part of the church. The process of joining the church is an important part of identifying ourselves as people who are fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. We count on our members to commit to the church through their prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness.
You can get a better idea of what it means to join Killearn by attending a Membership Class. This serves as an orientation on who we are as a church and as Methodists. It is a great opportunity for our pastors to get to know you and to invite you to be a part of the life of Killearn. 


Members are expected to support and participate in the life of the church through their prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness.

  • Attend worship each week unless I am sick or out of town.
  • Pursue at least one means of growing my faith in addition to the weekly worship service.
  • Put my faith into action by becoming actively involved in Christian service.
  • Growing toward the tithe, giving in proportion to my income.

Ways to Join

All prospective members must first participate in a membership class. You may then choose to join in one of the following ways:

Profession of faith - a first-time commitment to Christ.
Reaffirmation of faith - a reaffirmation of your commitment to Christ.
Transfer of membership from another church.


The Sacrament of Baptism is a requirement to join Killearn Methodist Church. If you have ever been baptized in another Christian denomination, that baptism is acceptable and there is no need to be baptized again.

Baptism is:
  • A sacrament of initiation into the church universal.
  • A sign of God’s forgiveness and our new life in Jesus Christ.
  • The beginning of the growth process in grace that leads us to love God and neighbor and to follow Jesus.
  • A gift of God that is received as a sign of God’s love for us.

If you are interested in being baptized or having your child baptized, please contact Ashley Wommack at or by calling the church office at 850-893-1116.

Membership Class

The Membership Class is the first step towards joining Killearn Methodist Church. If you would like more information on our next class, or if you have questions about membership, please contact Miriam Dady at
In this class you will:
  • Learn our vision, beliefs, and values.
  • Discover who we are as a community.
  • Learn about the Global Methodist Church.
  • Get to know our pastors and staff.
  • Explore where you can serve.
  • Explore how you can become a fully committed disciple.