Church Family,

I would like to share with you the story of how my family increased our giving until we were finally able to return a full tithe of our annual income.

We had been increasing our annual giving with the goal of reaching 10% when, in the fall of 1980, I became unemployed. As you can imagine, we immediately moved to reduce spending. As we examined our monthly expenses, we made the prayerful decision to go ahead with our plan of returning 10% to God, no matter what our income became.

We prayed constantly for God’s guidance as I sought to begin a new career. This search settled on me apllying to become a franchisee with a company that fit perfectly with my faith and abilities. This company has way more applicants than franchises, so the chances weren’t high. I spent days praying, sometimes on my knees, sometimes while driving, and even often in the shower. In fact, it was in the shower on a Friday morning while I was praying that I experienced a Holy Spirit moment. I didn’t hear a voice, but I suddenly knew that I would receive a phone call that day offering the fervently prayed for franchise. I shared this with my family during lunch, and at 4 PM that day, the call came!

Since the business was in Tallahassee and we were living in Montgomery, Alabama at the time, we immediately listed our home for sale. We had no offers, so I moved alone to Tallahassee, living in a small RV. That summer, we determined that our move to Tallahassee had to be completed before school started for our two children, so we rented a house in Killearn.

Sadly, the business located in the old Tallahassee Mall opened in April of 1981 with little notice, and was not profitable for more than two years. As we stared at the probability of bankruptcy with little income and an unsold house in Montgomery, miraculously we were able to rent the house for enough to cover the mortgage. Ten months later, the tenant broke the lease early. Another miracle occurred and a buyer appeared! Finally, we were blessed when the franchisor agreed to provide sufficient, yet unearned income, so that we could survive in those lean years! Through these tough times, I received the promise that God made to all of us in Malachi 3:10-11:

“‘Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house. And test me now on this,’ says the Lord of hosts, ‘if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.’”

When you know that God is calling you to tithe and it seems impossible, remember the promise he made in this scripture. He will be faithful in fulfilling His promises!

With Joy on the Journey,
Dave Elyea


We believe that God created the world, that we are created in the image of God, and that all we are, and all the material things we have accumulated, belong to God. Consequently, we are stewards for God. When we give our gifts of time, talent, and treasure, we are returning a portion of all that God has given us to be used in God’s work through Killearn Methodist Church. As a church, we strive to discern God’s call for our community, by stewarding the gifts of time, talent and money that you give and putting them to work through ministries that present Christ, encourage growth and holiness, and send out others to present Christ. We do this because we believe we are called to grow God’s Kingdom in our community and around the world!


A pledge is an act of promising a monetary sum, your time, and your talents to God through the church. During the Annual Stewardship Campaign, we seek pledges to help project income for the upcoming year and enable the most effective planning for our ministries. When you make a pledge, you are intentionally setting aside a portion of your income and your time to give back to God, ensuring that your gifts to God are a part of your budget and your calendar. Your pledge to Killearn Methodist Church is in two parts: a pledge to the Operating Fund that supports our ministries and a pledge to the Missions Fund that supports our various ministry partners.

Giving through the Annual Stewardship Campaign provides the resources for the ministries of Killearn Methodist Church to live out our mission - to present Christ, encourage growth and holiness, and send out to present Christ. We ask you to prayerfully consider how you will support our ministries in 2025.



PRESENT - ($1,091,738)

Killearn is a place that presents Christ by inviting all to experience the transforming love of Jesus through ministries to and with our members, guests, community and world.

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
(Romans 5:8)

GROW - ($539,070)

Killearn is a place where you can grow in your relationship with Jesus through study and service in the many transforming ministries available for people of all ages.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and, Love your neighbor as yourself.”
(Luke 10:27)

SEND - ($575,192)

Killearn is a place where you are equipped to be sent out to share the love of God with others in our community and around the world.

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
(Matthew 28:19-20)


In the Bible, God asks the people of Israel for the first 10th of the harvest. The act of giving a 10th is called tithing. We understand this may not be the “right” amount for every family at this time. Regardless, the concept of tithing is a good model for giving. We suggest that instead of setting a dollar amount, pledge a percentage of your income. You may need to start at a lower percentage and work towards a goal of 10% over several years. We encourage tithing and ask that you prayerfully consider your pledge, as well as incrementally increasing your gift to God through Killearn Methodist Church this year.

We understand that in the course of a year, your circumstances may change. You may increase or decrease your pledge at any time by contacting the Church Office. *If you give electronically, changes to your pledge must be made by logging in to your electronic giving account, and cannot be made automatically by our Finance Office.

We are asking that pledges be offered no later than Sunday, October 27. They can be mailed, dropped off at the Church Office or you can bring them to worship services on Sunday. The best way to submit your pledge is online or on the Killearn App.

Yes. A line Item budget is available upon request. Contact the Church Office for more information.


Giving online is the the safest and most cost-effective way for us to put your gifts into action. You can make a one-time gift or set up recurring transactions. Setting up a recurring gift is a simple way to practice tithing the “first fruits” of your income. Click HERE to set up online giving. If you have questions, contact the Church Office at (850) 893-1116.

You can also give on the Killearn App. To securely make a gift, download the Killearn App from your smartphone app store. Once in the app, select “Give” from the main menu at the bottom of your screen. It will ask you to set up an account. Once you’ve done so, you will be able to make gifts quickly and easily at any time from the app, including setting up recurring payments.

Giving cash or check in worship each Sunday is a meaningful tradition that is important for many. When you give by check, please indicate special disbursements on the memo line. If you are giving cash, please use an envelope and indicate your name and any instructions on the outside. You may also bring or mail your gift to the Church Office.