
FYI - I reject everything about April Fool’s Day. A wise sage taught me that “if it is not fun for everybody, then it’s not for fun anybody.” I am here for jokes and funny stories. Anyone who knows me knows that I love to laugh. Yet, pranks and practical jokes have the tendency to seek out laughter at the expensive of others. I am not about that life. Once a group of college students pranked me by using half a case of toilet paper to decorate my office. I could only lamented the waste of toilet paper for our residential community and the students who came to Wesley and could really appreciate the loving affection the students were trying to display for me.

Throughout Scripture, there are discussions about foolishness. There are especially a lot of references to foolishness in the book of Proverbs. Yet, I believe the most profound of all the comments about foolishness comes from Paul in his first letter to the Corinthians. The church in Corinth is the “Christians Gone Wild” example of the Bible. Paul was attempting to offer much wisdom and sound teaching to a church that was highly impacted and challenged by its surrounding culture.

The message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed for destruction! But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God. (1 Corinthians 1:18)

Today, there are many people who would call the message of the cross foolishness. Many people in our culture do not believe in God at all. There are people in our culture who are openly hostile toward Jesus. It is such a sad reality, but a tremendous call to pray for people and share Jesus with people who are far from God.

There are fellow Christian believers who would even say that the church needs to catch up with the times. The message of the cross calling for sacrifice, repentance, and loyalty to Jesus is way too antiquated for the 21st century. Holding fast to a Biblical worldview is seen as foolishness.

The message of the cross is the very power of God. God’s love for His creation has not changed. God has done everything divinely possible to reconcile humanity and restore all of creation. Jesus laid down his life for us so that we can experience abundant life into the everlasting. If such reality is foolishness in your view, you are welcome to call me a fool.

In His Grip,
Mike Toluba

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