Any Secrets?

Over the course of Lent, we have explored much about discipleship bands. The final question that we share together in our discipleship bands requires much love and trust. Vulnerability is so critical to the path of healing for our souls. Here it is. Are there any secrets or hidden things you would like to share?  

We desperately need people in our lives to share our secrets. I would imagine that everyone has had a secret at some point. Something that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others. Often it is something that brings us shame or embarrassment. Are there any skeletons that you are trying to keep in the closet these days?

Robert Boyd Munger wrote a short book years ago called, My Heart-Christ’s Home. The author uses the imagery of Jesus making a home in our lives like coming into different rooms of a house. Jesus comes into the library of our mind, the dining room of our appetite and desires, and all the other rooms. Jesus finally comes to the closet hall and wants access to that secret place in our lives. At this request of Jesus, here is what Robert writes.

“I was angry. That's the only way I can put it. I had given Him access to the library, the dining room, the living room, the workroom, the playroom, and now He was asking me about a little two-by-four closet. I said to myself, "This is too much. I am not going to give Him the key."

Jesus desires full access to every single part of our lives. We should not be afraid to let Jesus into our secret place. God already knows - He sees all of our secrets already. The beauty of banded discipleship is allowing ourselves and the few people in our band to experience the fullness of God’s presence as we share our hidden things together.

So do you still have doubts or questions about starting a discipleship band with a 2-4 other people? I would love to talk with you. Reach out to me anytime. My cell is 850-544-7087.

In His Grip,
Mike Toluba

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