What Is It Good For?
on March 19th, 2022
Here is a fun fact about me - I was an American history major in college. I even took a class that the centered on the world between World War I and World War II. With the war happening in Ukraine, there is a song that has resonated in my soul. It actually resonates with me every time there has been a war in my lifetime. Here is the hook!(War, huh) good God y'all(What is it good for?) Absolutely n...  Read More
Spirit of the Living God
on March 18th, 2022
Here is some good food for your soul in the form of music. I absolutely love singing as worship to God. It’s about the only singing I do anymore, because I am not very good at singing. There is something so refreshing to my soul whenever I worship God through music. The Holy Spirit does something special to bring God so very close to us. God comes close to us whenever we call on the name of the Lo...  Read More
Rejoice in the Lord
on March 17th, 2022
In Philippians 4:4, we hear one of the Apostle Paul’s greatest declarations in all of the New Testament. That is saying a lot, because Paul wrote a bunch of the New Testament, and Paul is the greatest theologian and missionary in the history of the Christian church.The first century church faces opposition within and without just at the church does in 2022. Yet, Paul is writing a letter about joy ...  Read More
Praying for Ukraine
on March 16th, 2022
The reports of violence from the Ukraine are truly heartbreaking. I have found myself praying for the people of the Ukraine a lot in recent weeks. The 24-7 Prayer movement has some great prayer resources around what is happening in the Ukraine. Here are some prayer prompts for 24-7 Prayer for the Ukraine today.Pray for the many people whose lives have been impacted by this crisis:
For God’s safety...  Read More
Scripture and Spirit
on March 15th, 2022
If you have fallen out of reading the Scripture on a regular basis, Lent is a great time to renew that practice again. If we want to know Jesus more, we have to spend time in the Scripture. Jesus is the Word made flesh. It is absolutely impossible to grow in our relationship with God if we are not reading the Bible often. There is nothing more important in your day that finding a few minutes to re...  Read More
Get Along in the Lord
on March 14th, 2022
Was that an amazing sermon on Sunday? Pastor Mike preached from Philippians 4: 2-5, and it was such a good word about conflict. If you have not heard the sermon yet, checkout worship for March 13. Your can even get a copy of the sermon and some discussion questions at https://killearnumc.org/series-resources.Our ability or inability to work towards resolution in conflict has a huge impact on our r...  Read More