The Joy of the Lord
on March 12th, 2022
It’s already day 10 of the 40 days of Lent. With everything that has been happening in the life of our church and everything happening in the world, these last 10 days have felt super long to me. I needed some refreshment for my soul, and God came through for me this morning. Here is one of my favorite worship songs by Darrell Evans called Trading My Sorrows. It is not the most complex song in the... Read More
Getting Bad News Well
on March 11th, 2022
Have you recently gotten bad news about something? Maybe you were anticipating something potentially really good happening but then it was postponed or canceled. It feels like our world is ending in that moment!If I have learned anything since March of 2020, I have learned to expect the unexpected. The best made plans might disappear in an instant. Over Spring Break 2020, I was planning to be on a... Read More
Struggles and Successes
on March 10th, 2022
For the last couple of days, we have been talking about life as a race that we run. There will be times of great success in our life that we should celebrate together. We tend to celebrate new things like a new transition for a graduation, moving to a new place, or getting a new job. We celebrate a new year of life on our birthdays, and new relationships status when we marry. There are holy moment... Read More
Running the Race (Part 2)
on March 9th, 2022
Yesterday, we talked about forgetting your past from Philippians 3. How it that going with your souls today? It is often so very hard to forget the past! It lingers in our souls like old garbage. A huge part of forgetting the past is rooted in forgiveness. I hope that you are forgiving yourself of your mistakes. I hope that you are letting go of any resentment you have of anyone who has wronged y... Read More
Running the Race (Part 1)
on March 8th, 2022
Pastor Mike Fordham preached from one of my favorite passages last Sunday from the book of Philippians. What a powerful sermon we heard last Sunday! It felt very much like a Holy Spirit thing to be in Philippians 3 the same weekend as the Shamrock Scurry. I love it when a plan comes together!Let’s read again this powerful passage from Paul in Philippians 3:12-14 from the New Living Translation.“I ... Read More
The Worst-Case Scenario
on March 7th, 2022
Our Men’s Group Life has been reading a book called Jesus Outside the Lines by Scott Saul. He is also the author of the book, A Gentle Answer, that we used for our sermon series back in November. I have come to appreciate Scott’s perspective of really looking closely at Jesus rather than be consumed by an “us” vs. “them” mentality.Bob Swoboda prayed this passage from Jesus Outside the Lines to clo... Read More
Welcome!Out of the AshesBanded DiscipleshipA BIG Question?Praying for the ScurryThe Worst-Case ScenarioRunning the Race (Part 1)Running the Race (Part 2)Struggles and SuccessesGetting Bad News WellThe Joy of the LordGet Along in the LordScripture and SpiritPraying for UkraineRejoice in the LordSpirit of the Living GodWhat Is It Good For?RestTurbulenceConfessionConfession Time!Confession PrayersWe Repent.The Treadmill of EnvyA Season of DiscontentFinding Contentment in a Discontent WorldSay Hello to Mary
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